
Honeywell PPE Designed For Automotive Manufacturing Workers

Help Protect Your Greatest Asset

As the future of the automotive manufacturing industry continues to evolve with automation, connected technologies, AI, robotics and new ways of working, nothing can replace the human touch. That's why it's important for safety managers to ensure the greatest asset – the people– are protected.

Your workers deserve the highest quality of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) so they can do what they do best - fuel the operation that fuels the world.


Head-to-toe PPE for Automotive Manufacturing

Just as your workers are shaping the future of the automotive manufacturing industry, Honeywell is committed to innovating a safer future by designing head-to-toe PPE that mirrors today’s innovative plants. 


Recommended Automotive Manufacturing PPE Solutions

To help prevent accidents at the workplace, your team should be equipped with reliable yet comfortable head-to-toe PPE solutions that won't get in the way. Check some of the top solutions we offer.


Request a visit from a PPE specialist

Automotive manufacturing workers face many hazards as operating heavy machinery, handling sharp metal sheets, welding metals, assembling interiors and other. Do you have questions or need a PPE trial to understand whether Honeywell PPE suits your company’s requirements? We’re here to help.