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Protecting People and Places

Solutions to Safeguard the Health and Well-being of Your Team

Conducting business through the coronavirus pandemic has brought heightened scrutiny to operational safety and the accelerated adoption of e-commerce fulfillment models. As a result, distribution center (DC) managers across all retail sectors are implementing new protocols to improve workplace safety and adapt to increased order volumes. Not only will these new measures require a comprehensive approach to safety, they must also support the need for increased productivity.

Honeywell is committed to helping you prepare for this rapidly changing landscape by providing the tools and technologies you need to enhance safe working conditions and meet customer expectations. 

  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) — Individual-use PPE safety packs encourage the use of masks, gloves and wipes.
  • No-touch technologies — Facial recognition and thermal scanning technologies detect febrile workers and provide touchless building access.
  • Mobile device integration — Honeywell Voice and other mobile device technologies enable device tracking and social distancing, providing cleaning/hygiene instructions along with proven productivity enhancements.
  • Honeywell Forge analytics — Software provides worker and workplace analytics, visibility to trends, safety alerts and procedure compliance.

Additional Tools to Increase Labor Productivity

Protecting People and Places
