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Gain Visibility and Integrated Control Across Multiple Workflows and Automated Systems With a Real-time, Data-driven Warehouse Execution System

As delivery windows shrink and product varieties (SKUs) multiply, e-commerce fulfillment speeds and order volumes are accelerating beyond the capabilities of even the most sophisticated distribution center (DC) operations. The Momentum warehouse execution system (WES) is a next-generation software platform that utilizes advanced machine-learning algorithms and data-driven optimization techniques to orchestrate disparate automation systems and empower DCs with dynamic decision-making intelligence.

To meet modern consumer demands, traditional fulfillment strategies of planning waves days (or even hours) in advance are no longer viable. E-commerce order priorities vary widely and can change in an instant, and DC operators need the flexibility and agility to adapt continuously to fluctuations in demand and resource availability. 

And while increased process automation is becoming a necessity, the integration of multiple automated systems and workflows can result in even more complexity. System interdependencies often are overlooked or underestimated, and the impacts of a decision made in one system can create a cascading effect of unintended consequences in others. As a result, most DC operations suffer from process inefficiencies and productivity bottlenecks — primarily due to frequent manual interventions and reactive troubleshooting. 

Momentum WES offers a robust alternative to these pervasive fulfillment inefficiencies. 

Momentum leverages advanced data science techniques to capitalize on the proliferation of data from nearly every corner of the DC to provide visibility and insights into the interplay between automation systems. These powerful tools enable dynamic, real-time “Decision Intelligence” to achieve optimal execution strategies and business results in complex fulfillment environments. 

Decision Intelligence gives DC operators to make optimal decisions to streamline execution, maximize throughput and balance workloads. Capabilities include:

Smart Release

Smart Release automatically prioritizes your current order backlog and intelligently releases orders to meet aggressive service level agreements (SLAs). Each decision considers the downstream impacts on every fulfillment system and releases orders to the floor in the most optimal sequence, thereby minimizing congestion, balancing workloads, and stabilizing an/the entire warehouse process execution.

Smart Routing

Smart Routing utilizes real-time decision-making intelligence to ensure that orders are routed along optimal paths through the DC. The software considers orders of varying priorities to determine container routes and final destinations so that each order priority is handled accordingly — all while reducing order cycle times and avoiding routing bottlenecks.

Labor Management

Labor Management maximizes workforce productivity and utilization through the dynamic allocation of resources in relation to ever-changing fulfillment priorities and workloads. This ensures the even distribution and allocation of resources while providing supervisors an engagement tool for the visualization of resource productivity.

Storage Optimization

Storage Optimization ensures maximum warehouse utilization by balancing optimal slotting locations and considering outbound demand. The solution integrates with automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) to allow for the intelligent storage of different sized containers with the goals of achieving the highest possible capacity and optimal retrieval sequencing. 

Pick Path Optimization

Pick Path Optimization provides the decision intelligence to maximize the efficiency of key picking processes throughout the warehouse. This minimizes the steps and distance pickers need to travel among pick zones while lowering dwell times and avoiding congestion. 

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