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DC Center Solutions Hero
DC Center Solutions Hero

Productivity Solutions to Empower Your Workforce

Redefine Your Workforce Experience

Leveraging Honeywell’s user-centric solutions and cutting-edge technology which include voice automation, AI, and machine learning to empower your workforce. Explore the resources below to learn ways Honeywell is focused on defining the workforce experience.

Solutions Designed to Empower Workforce Productivity

Boost Your Workforce's Ability to Deliver With These Best Sellers


Voice can optimize your DC or warehouse in six ways.
Provide your employees with the freedom to do their jobs safely and accurately while they have their hands and eyes free with voice-guided workflows in distribution centers (DCs) and warehouses.

Rubber Insulating Dipped Sleeves with RFID
Rubber Insulating Dipped Sleeves with RFID

Wearable computers designed to free worker's hands.
Mobile scanning workflows are more efficient when less movement is involved. There are workflows for picking, sortation, truck loading, warehouse, retail, and logistics operations.


A Mobile Solution for a Mobile Workforce.
We researched the Honeywell products that are most likely to meet your operation's needs based on VDC's industry research among warehouse professionals. Based on these insights we have recommendations to address your needs.
