
Honeywell PPE Designed For Automotive Manufacturing Workers

Help Protect Your Greatest Asset

As the future of the automotive manufacturing industry continues to evolve with automation, connected technologies, AI, robotics and new ways of working, nothing can replace the human touch. That's why it's important for safety managers to ensure every square foot of their production facility is protected.  

Your workers are the heartbeat of your operation. They deserve the highest quality of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) so they can do what they do best - fuel the operation that fuels the world.

Fuel worker safety in the automotive industry

Your workforce is the main driver of your automotive business, helping to take it to new lengths. Help keep workers protected on the job by providing them with the right personal protective equipment.  Watch our video to know more. 

Why PPE Matters  

 Automotive manufacturing workers face many hazards as they operate heavy machinery, handle sharp metal sheets, weld together metals, assemble interiors and inspect for quality assurance. To help prevent accidents, workers should be equipped with reliable yet comfortable head-to-toe PPE solutions that won't get in the way. 

Fatalities in the manufacturing industry in 2019

15,390 Reported injuries in the automotive manufacturing industry in 2019

Automotive manufacturing incidence rate, compared to 3.0 for all industries

Help protect your greatest asset – your workforce

Read our whitepaper to gain an overview of the hazards workers face in automotive manufacturing, how the industry has evolved and why workers in this industry should wear high-quality personal protective equipment (PPE) fit for their job.

Help protect workers when and where they need it most

Did you know the injury incidence rate for every 100 workers in the automotive manufacturing industry is double the rate for other industries? Read our flyer to find out why wearing the right personal protective equipment matters.

Explore our library of resources

Fuel your workers’ productivity by offering them access to protective gear that helps them navigate through their shift safely. Discover all the benefits of fit-for-purpose personal protective equipment (PPE) for the Automotive industry. 

Go the extra mile for worker safety
Helping the world to navigate safer and with greater efficiency is no easy task – and by no means hazard-free for the workers in the automotive industry. Read our blog to discover how to protect your workforce.
Read Our Blog
Automotive manufacturing – Hazards and solutions
Over 850,000 workers earn their living in the US Automotive manufacturing industry. With occupational hazards aplenty in this sector, this workforce needs the right protection on the job. Read infographic for more.
Read Infographic
Make worker safety your main driver
Help mitigate hazards by equipping your workers with personal protective equipment built specifically for the automotive industry. Read our brochure to discover the benefits of wearing the right PPE matters.
Read Brochure

Recommended Automotive Manufacturing PPE Solutions


Request a visit from a PPE specialist

Automotive manufacturing workers face many hazards as operating heavy machinery, handling sharp metal sheets, welding metals, assembling interiors and other. Do you have questions or need a PPE trial to understand whether Honeywell PPE suits your company’s requirements? We’re here to help.