Rescue & Descent
Miller QuickPick™ Rescue Kits
Miller QuickPick™ Rescue Kits
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The rescuer can remotely attach the system to the suspended worker while remaining securely anchored on the walking/working surface.
Easy to Use
All rescue components are contained in one easy-to-store kit with no assembly necessary – only requiring an overhead anchorage.
Features & Benefits:
Simplified Rescue Systems
- Out-of-the-bag solution for prompt rescue – no assembly required
- Quickly raise or lower a fallen worker to safety – avoid suspension trauma
- Professional rescue solution – enhances worker safety and corporate rescue plan
- Best choice for users whose job does not normally include rescue
- The premium kit includes a Backup Braking System that acts as a secondary fall protection device
- In case of accidental release of rope by the rescuer: a foolproof backup will quickly stop the system
- Highly efficient hauling system with a 5:1 lifting ratio: making heavier loads easier to lift
- Complies with OSHA: ANSI A10.32 and the stringent ANSI Z359.4 Safety Requirements for Assisted Rescue and Self-Rescue Systems: Subsystems and Components. (There is no applicable CSA standard.)
- Offers a 400-lb.(181.4 kg)weight capacity
- Designed for users more experienced with rescue
- The standard kit provides an economical kit configuration for conducting rescues with workers who are confident in managing rescue systems
- Efficient hauling system with a 4:1 lifting ratio: making heavier loads easier to lift
- Complies with OSHA and ANSI A10.32. (There is no applicable CSA standard.)
- Offers a 310-lb.(140.6 kg)weight capacity
- Backup braking system (only included with the premium kit)
- Color-coded: high-strength aluminum pulleys for easy orientation
- 7/16-in. (11 mm) semi-static kernmantle rope
- Rescue Remote Connection Pole
- (1.2 m) collapsed: 12-ft (3.6 m) fully extended]
- Carabiner clip/Pigtail
- Handled pole carrying case
- Rope Control Handle
- Miller WristBandit™ Tool Lanyard
- Cross-Arm Anchorage Connector
- Convenient backpack
- Maximum Weight Capacity
- 181.4 keg
- 181.4 US Pound
- Product Weight
- 2.5 keg
- 2.5 US Pound
- Standards & Certifications
- ANSI A10.32
- OSHA 1910.66
- OSHA 1926
- Maximum Weight Capacity
- 181.4 keg
- 181.4 US Pound
- Product Weight
- 2.5 keg
- 2.5 US Pound
- Standards & Certifications
- ANSI A10.32
- OSHA 1910.66
- OSHA 1926
- Maximum Weight Capacity : 181.4 keg|181.4 US Pound
- Product Weight : 2.5 keg|2.5 US Pound
- Standards & Certifications : ANSI A10.32|OSHA 1910.66|OSHA 1926