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Lower Total Cost of Ownership and Gain Continuous Performance Improvements With Lifecycle Management Services

This flexible, outcome-based service solution is designed to help you achieve continual performance optimization of your material handling and warehouse automation systems. Unlike traditional approaches to lifecycle management, this contractual service model allows you to transfer responsibility for performance outcomes to Honeywell Intelligrated, so you can focus more fully on your operation.

Assurance 360 delivers contract services based on agreed-upon service levels, rather than prescribed quantities of materials and labor. We take a holistic, strategic view to improve business performance and minimize the total cost of ownership (TCO) with complete lifecycle management services.

Customer-specific programs range from Performa solutions that build and complement competencies and capabilities within a customer’s organization, to Optima solutions that are fully executed by Honeywell Intelligrated with guaranteed system performance.

Assurance 360 Performa

Assurance 360 Performa addresses labor and skills shortages by helping you maintain equipment, controls and assets crucial to meeting production goals. We collaborate with your staff to gain a deep operational understanding, and then develop a plan to augment your workforce and address your uptime and throughput challenges. We help you build competencies and grow expertise within your organization through best practices, which are measured against expected outcomes. With Assurance 360 Performa, you can: 

  • Cultivate your staff’s knowledge and skills with access to experienced service specialists when needed 
  • Deliver competent resources to complement your workforce in required areas 
  • Access interactive tools that provide a focal point for KPI activities, reports on system performance and recommended maintenance improvements 
  • Enable continuous system monitoring via a virtual control room, alerts, incident management, and real-time and historic diagnostic data (availability, capacity, resolution management and predictability)
  • Perform rigorous system assessments to identify automation and cyber vulnerabilities and stable platform remediation requirements

Assurance 360 Optima

Assurance 360 Optima ensures performance and operational benefits by providing complete lifecycle services to meet agreed-upon service levels in system support, maintenance, optimization and change management — with guaranteed results. As your strategic partner, Honeywell Intelligrated is responsible for providing the necessary skilled labor and materials to achieve the defined outcomes with payment adjusted by the results attained. Assurance 360 Optima encompasses everything in Assurance 360 Performa, plus: 

  • KPI guarantee allows you to hold Honeywell Intelligrated accountable for agreed-upon service levels through continuous outcome-based scoring and a fee-adjusted schedule 
  • Priority response and resolution from dedicated teams performing preventive and corrective maintenance routines based upon proven best practices 
  • Continuous system monitoring offers alerting to support incident management and diagnostic data for reporting, availability, capacity and problem management — all addressed by Honeywell Intelligrated
  • Rigorous system assessments to identify automation and cyber vulnerabilities and stable platform remediation requirements — all addressed by Honeywell Intelligrated
  • An assigned performance manager responsible for reporting on system performance, enabling maintenance improvements, managing Honeywell Intelligrated activities, and acting as a customer advocate within Honeywell Intelligrated

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