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How to Slash Hidden Costs by Optimizing Inefficient Workflows with Data Insights


How to Slash Hidden Costs by Optimizing Inefficient Workflows with Data Insights

The Cost of Inefficiency

A box on the floor over here. A nonoperational device over there.

Workflow interruptions come in all shapes and sizes. But they all share a common denominator: hidden costs. Whether it’s in the form of wasted time or unnecessary expenses, these hidden costs cause a ripple effect on productivity and profitability, such as:1

  • 60-110 minutes (about 2 hours) lost in mobile worker productivity per device issue
  • 40-60 minutes of IT support per device issue
  • Batteries fail to support a full shift 75% of the time
  • 23% of device failures are reported as no-fault found

Imagine the impact these interruptions could have on your team’s productivity. How many sales were missed? Orders not picked? Deliveries delayed? How many patients experienced delayed care?

These seemingly minute interruptions add up quickly throughout a full workday and can have detrimental effects on the organization’s bottom line. Even more importantly, they could inhibit your ability to effectively serve your customers.

The Importance of Workflow Optimization

If you are experiencing any of these costly interruptions, something must change. That is where workflow optimizations come in. Workflow optimization, like automation and strategic planning, gives you the power to analyze and revise existing processes and enhance them to utilize a worker’s time and resources more efficiently. Depending on the process in question, these workflow optimizations could mean a minor tweak or a more intense redesign. Ultimately, the end goal is improving the operation’s productivity and profitability.

Workflow optimization helps companies perform at peak efficiency while utilizing existing resources and is a critical step in staying agile amid fluctuating demands.

But between managing people, processes, workflows and all their industry’s complexities, operations staff are often pressed for time to think about the future. More importantly, they are not always empowered to know where to look. Without the necessary visibility into operations, it’s not easy to confidently implement workflow optimizations.

See Beyond Data with Intelligent Visibility into Operations to Optimize Workflows

Workflow optimization is important to effectively manage an operation, but it can be daunting. Companies need a way to see that a process change will produce a tangible return on investment. That’s why it’s essential to not just have visibility into operations, but intelligent visibility.

What’s the difference? Intelligent visibility goes beyond data. It’s visibility that unearths opportunities through workflow time studies, behavioral and asset analytics, utilization metrics and more - even those you didn’t know were there. With this depth of visibility into operations, managers are empowered with actionable insights and metrics to confidently make recommendations that improve workflows.

Turn Intelligent Visibility into Action

But visibility, even intelligent visibility, means nothing without action. That’s why we developed a solution that enables leaders to not only gain intelligent visibility into operations but empowers them to act on the opportunities that come from it.

Operational Intelligence by Honeywell is a software solution that goes one step further than data collection. It allows personnel to leverage data–driven insights into automation workflows – ultimately making measurable impacts on productivity and profitability.

For example, Honeywell Operational Intelligence could empower a warehouse manager to configure handheld computers to trigger an automatic alert if the device records a set number of missed, consecutive docking events.

Operational Intelligence by Honeywell is designed to allow you to get back 1.5 hours in productivity per worker, per device issue by providing actionable insights and automated workflows.2 With Honeywell Operational Intelligence on your side, confidently make workflow optimizations that give you back valuable time and resources.

1 VDC Research Group, Inc. | Enterprise Mobility, “Total Cost of Ownership Models for Line of Business Mobile Solutions,” December 2018.
