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Maximum 4 products can be added to compare
Q: What is my minimum order amount?
A: Your minimum order level is based on your Terms and conditions
Q: How can I place a "quick" order?
A: Use the Quick Cart button, insert product references into the search field separated by a comma (,) and click on the search button (ie: 1011146, 1010975, 1011170...).
If you look for a product with sizes, don't forget to include the size in the search field, otherwise the product will not be found (ie: 2100250-06, 4506000-S...).
You will then be presented with a search results screen that will allow you to validate matches and confirm addition of the products into your cart.
Q: How can I save a cart for re-use?
A: On your Shopping Cart page, click on "MOVE TO LIST". Here you can create a name and description for your saved cart. Then click "SAVE".
You can access this saved cart in the future by clicking My Account/Saved Carts. Find the cart you saved and want to re-use and click "RESTORE". If you plan on re-using this cart, keep the check mark where it says "KEEP A COPY OF THIS CART ON SAVED LIST".
Q: Will there be an option for me to upload a PO as a csv file that I have exported from my own ERP system?
A: The csv import is possible with the Quick Cart/Import saved cart. The first two columns are mandatory with the first one as "sku number" and the second one as "Quantity". All the other columns are optional. Important note : the first line is the column title.
Q: Is there a field to enter in a specific customer ship to PO# and attention name?
A: Any additional information related to the order has to be shared in the Comments box in the checkout page. It will be reviewed and any actions needed will be taken by our order management team.
Q: When using ecommerce, are there minimum order fees and direct ship fees?
A: All fees are the same across any of the order entry methods.

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