
Honeywell Forge Track & Trace

Tracking throughout the supply chain for product visibility and regulatory compliance

A Complete End-to-End Traceability Solution

Honeywell Forge Track & Trace is an end-to-end supply chain traceability and supply chain monitoring solution that solves multiple challenges for manufacturers from unit level tracking, counterfeit prevention to product recall and more.

From manufacturer to retailer, this scalable software solution tracks products within a vehicle, a container, a palette or a packaging box at the micro-level and provides end-to-end visibility and electronic documentation about where an item has traveled throughout the supply chain.

Our Track & Trace solution can be used in many industries, including tobacco, pharmaceutical and Food & Beverage (F&B) industries to help comply with government legislation and quality control. Track and Trace has the high traceability standards, connecting multiple repositories from the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler and retailer for data analytics and other use cases.

Key Benefits

Ensure Regulatory Compliance

Track Micro-Level Products

Allow for Serialization

Comply with EPCIS

Stay Abreast with Tax Regulations

Enhance Food Safety

Enable Quick Product Recall

Protect Against Counterfeits

Provide End-to-End Traceability

Why Honeywell Forge Track and Trace?

Customer Success Story: Astrazeneca

Learn how Astrazaneca uses our products for its global Track and Trace Program.

Sign up for the Astrazeneca Case Study and speak to an expert