
Is Your DC Hiding Something?

Modern day distribution centers (DCs) are still some way from achieving optimum productivity. Using order mispicks as a benchmark — and with companies reporting approximately 134 mispicks per week — the total cost of mispicks is $400,000 annually, according to the recent Honeywell report, Unlocking Hidden Cost in the Distribution Center.

Realizing that no one can afford to waste valuable time or dollars in today’s competitive business environment, more organizations are turning to their logistics and DC managers to fix these and other productivity problems.

One of the first places DC managers can look for inefficiencies is in paper-based processes. When replaced with workflow technologies like voice, wearable devices and mobile printers, these paper-based processes can see a boost in productivity and accuracy. 

In this white paper, we will explore the DC-related productivity challenges companies are facing and discuss the ways your DC might be costing you more than you think.