
Honeywell PPE Designed For Automotive Manufacturing Workers

Help Protect Your Greatest Asset

As the future of the automotive manufacturing industry continues to evolve with automation, connected technologies, AI, robotics and new ways of working, nothing can replace the human touch. That's why it's important for safety managers to ensure every square foot of their production facility is protected.  

Your workers are the heartbeat of your operation. They deserve the highest quality of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) so they can do what they do best - fuel the operation that fuels the world.

Why PPE Matters  

 Automotive manufacturing workers face many hazards as they operate heavy machinery, handle sharp metal sheets, weld together metals, assemble interiors and inspect for quality assurance. To help prevent accidents, workers should be equipped with reliable yet comfortable head-to-toe PPE solutions that won't get in the way. 

Fatalities in the manufacturing industry in 2019

15,390 Reported injuries in the automotive manufacturing industry in 2019

Automotive manufacturing incidence rate, compared to 3.0 for all industries

How the Evolution of the Automotive Manufacturing Industry Impacts PPE 

While the automotive industry is much less hazardous than it once was due to advanced technologies, risk hasn't been completely engineered out of the manufacturing process. Read our whitepaper to learn more about the hazards workers face, how the industry has evolved to become a safer environment and why manufacturers should provide high-quality PPE for their workers. 

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